Capital letters and Punctuation

  • Read the following passage carefully:

Sara is six years old. She goes to Dolphin School. Her father, Mr. David Brown is a doctor. Her mother, Mrs. Emily Brown is a nurse. They run a clinic together. Sarah has a kitten. She calls her Silky. Sara has many friends. Her friends Lucy and Mary like Silky very much. On Sunday, they all go and play in the park.

  • Now notice that some words begin with a capital letter:
  1. The first word of every sentence begins with a capital letter.
  2. All special names begin with a capital letter (names of people, places, pets, days and months, festivals etc.).
  3. The word I is written in the capital form.


  • Punctuation is the use of full stops (.), commas (,) and question marks (?).

1.  All sentences end with a full stop.

2. We use a comma to show that there is a pause. It is used in place of ‘and’.

3. If we have more than two similar words, we separate them by commas; as,

Tom has two toasts, two eggs and a glass of milk every morning.

4.We separate a noun of address by a comma; as,

 John, please meet me after the class.

5. Commas are used after yes and no; as,

Yes, I am going to the market. No, you are not coming with me.

6. We put a question mark at the end of every question; as,

What is your name?

How are you?

Nouns – Common and Proper

  • Look at the following sentences:


  1. Jack is boy.
  2. Tom is a boy.
  3. John is a boy.
  4. Dick is a boy.


  • The word boy occurs in all the four sentences. It is a common name used for all the boys. But all boys have special names too. Jack, Tom, John and Dick are special names of these four boys.
  • Pets and places also have special names. Cat and dog are common names used for all cats and dogs. But we often give special names to our pets:

       1.   My cat’s name is Silky. 

      2.   I call my dog, Naughty.

  • Jackie, Jimmy, Buddy, Molly, Rover, Rustam, Rosebud, Tiger, Pussy, Snowy, Snowball, Rocky, Jumbo, Appu, are some special names of our pets.
  • Places also have both common and special names. The words village, city, town, country, school, college, hospital, park, street are common names. But India, Australia, Delhi, Aton School, Sony Hospital, White Park are special names of places.
  • Similarly books, newspapers, magazines, days, months, festivals, institutions, companies, products etc. also have special names .The Bible, The Gita, Great Expectations, Harry Potter, The Times, Femina, Sunday, January, Christmas, Diwali, are all special names.
  • These special names are called Proper Nouns and common names are called Common Nouns.
  • Special names or Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.
  • Some examples:
  1. Susan is a good girl.      
  2.  Peter is a smart boy.
  3. Bombay is a big city.
  4. Jackie is my dog.     
  5. Ganga is a holy river
  6. Femina is a woman’s magazine.


Susan, Peter, Bombay, Jackie, Ganga and Femina are Proper Nouns and girl, boy, city, dog, river, woman, magazine are Common Nouns.


  • A Proper Noun is the special name of a particular person, place or thing.
  • A Common Noun is a name given in common to all persons or things of the same class or kind.




English Alphabetical Order

Alphabetical Order

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z are the 26 letter of the English alphabet. We use these letter to form words. The A B C D order is also called the alphabetical order of English. In a dictionary or an encyclopedia words are arranged in this order. It helps to locate the meaning easily. In a telephone directory or an attendence register also names of people are given in this order.

Exercise 1 – Write 5 words each beginning with the alphabets given below:


Exercise 2 – Arrange these names in alphabetical order:

Anita, Rita, Bill, Sam, Mary, Johiv, Kate, Charies, Liz, Harry, Tom.

Exercise 3 – Write the names of these birds in alphabetical order:

Crow Cuckoo Cock Crane

Pengeein Parrot Peacock Pigeon

Exercise 4 – Make any ten words using the letter of the word: