A Wild Donkey and a Potter’s Donkey

Once upon a time, there lived a wild donkey. He used to wander about freely in the jungle. He was free to do as he liked. One day, while he was roaming about, he reached the outskirts of a village. He saw another donkey, sitting comfortably, eating hay and enjoying the warm, winter sun. This donkey belonged to a potter. He looked very healthy, happy and content. The wild donkey felt very jealous of him.

After a few days, the wild donkey went towards the village again. But, he was surprised to see a very different sight this time. The potter’s donkey was walking slowly with his head bent low. He had a heavy load on his back. The donkey was walking with great difficulty because of the heavy load . And if the donkey stopped, even for a minute, the potter beat him with a stick.

The wild donkey, then, realized that he was happier than the potter’s donkey. He thanked God for giving him freedom and went back in the jungle.

Exercise:- Answer the following questions:

  1. Where did the wild donkey live?
  2. What did he see one day?
  3. Why was he jealous of the potter’s donkey?
  4. What changed his feelings?
  5. What did he do?

Exercise:- Say whether the following statements are true or false:

  1. The wild donkey was free to do as he liked.
  2. The wild donkey was not jealous of the potter’s donkey.
  3. The potter’s donkey walked fast even with a heavy load on his back.
  4. The potter did not beat the donkey even when it stopped.

Exercise:- Give the opposite of the following words:

  1. Free
  2. Wild
  3. Winter
  4. Happy
  5. Slow
  6. Heavy


Ours is a colourful world. Numerous colours are spread around us. It is Impossible for us to imagine a world devoid of colour. Let us identify some of the colours.

  • The sky is spread over us. What is the colour of the sky?
  • The sky is blue
  • There are many plants and trees around us. They give us oxygen. Have you noticed the colour of leaves?
  • A leaf is usually green.
  • It is pleasant and cool to walk on soft green grass.
  • We eat different fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetable are good for our health. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Do you eat apples? What colour are they?
  • An apple is red. We also find green apples.
  • Do you know that a tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable. It has many seeds. What is its colour?
  • A tomato is red.
  • Potatoes, carrots and radish grow underground. Do you know their colour?
  • A potato is brown.
  • A carrot is red or orange.
  • A radish is white.
  • Have you noticed the colour of a brinjal, a capsicum, a mango and a banana.
  • A brinjal is purple.
  • A capsicum is green, red or yellow.
  • A mango and banana both green and yellow.
  • There are many birds and animals on this earth. They too are of different colours.
  • A crow is black.
  • A parrot is green with a red beak.
  • A pigeon is grey.
  • A dove is white.
  • A elephant is grey.
  • A zebra is black and white.
  • Hens and Ducks lay eggs. Do you eat eggs? What is the colour of an egg?
  • An egg is usually white.
  • Milk is known as a complete food. What is its colour?
  • Milk is also white.
  • Children love chocolate. What is the colour of a chocolate?
  • A chocolate is brown.
  • The sun gives us energy and light. What is the colour of the sun? Do you know the colour of the sun changes as the day advances. Notice the change.
  • The sun is yellow.
  • Many flowers blossom around us. Notice their colours.
  • A lotus is pink.
  • A rose is red or pink or orange or yellow.
  • A sunflower is yellow.
  • Have you seen a rainbow? A rainbow can be seen the sky, sometimes after rains. It has seven colours in it.
  1. Red
  2. Yellow
  3. Orange
  4. Green
  5. Blue
  6. Indigo
  7. Violet

Exercise 1 :- Look around you and identify objects of different colours.

Exercise 2 :- Draw different shapes – a circle, a semi-circle, an oval, a square, a rectangle, a triangle, a cylinder and colour them with different colours.

Exercise 3 :- Fill in the blanks and complete this colour puzzle with the answers.

Down :-

  1. The grass is _______ .
  2. The lotus is _______ .      4.The sky is _______ .

Across :-3.The clouds are _______ .

5.A  crow is _______ .   6.The sun is _______ .


Pairs of Words

Pairs of Words

There are some words in English that often go in pairs. Let us study some of them:

  1. Day and Night
  2. Sun and Moon
  3. Black and White
  4. East and West
  5. North and South
  6. Morning and Evening
  7. Rich and Poor
  8. Up and Down
  9. In and Out
  10. Here and There
  11. Bread and Butter
  12. Door and Window
  13. Needle and Thread
  14. Hammer and Nail
  15. Table and Chair
  16. Bat and Ball
  17. Look and Key
  18. Teacher and Student
  19. King and Queen
  20. Mother and Father
  21. Sister and Brother
  22. Uncle and Aunt
  23. Male and Female
  24. Doctor and Patient
  25. Boy and Girl
  26. Ladies and Gentleman
  27. Buy and Sell
  28. Loss and Gain
  29. Throw and Catch
  30. Cup and Saucer
  31. Wait and See
  32. Short and Sweet

Exercise 1 :- Fill in the blank spaces by choosing the right pair:

  1. A see-saw goes ______ and ______.
  2. I will______ the ball and you ______ it.
  3. Bring your______ and ______ for the game.
  4. Always serve tea in a ______ and ______.
  5. Arrange the ______ and ______ in the classroom.
  6. I have to sew this piece of cloth. Please give the ______ and the ______.
  7. Mr. Brown owns a vegetable shop. He______ and ______ vegetables.
  8. Look at the blackboard. Do not look______ and ______.
  9. A good message is ______ and ______.
  10. The ______ and the ______sat on the throne.



There are some universal saying that are always true look at the following sentences:

  1. The sun shines during the day.
  2. The moon shines at night.
  3. The stars twinkle at night.
  4. The sun rises in the east.
  5. The sun sets in the west.
  6. Fish live in water.
  7. Birds fly in the sky.
  8. Cows give us milk.
  9. Cows eat grass.
  10. The whale is the largest water animal.
  11. Peacocks dance in the rainy season.
  12. The sunflower always faces the sun.
  13. A crow is black.
  14. The sky is blue.
  15. A week has seven days.
  16. There are twelve months in the year.
  17. The earth is round.
  18. The earth revolves round the sun.
  19. The moon revolves round the earth.
  20. Two and two make four.
  21. There are but two sides of a coin.
  22. There are millions of stars in the sky.
  23. Plants gives us fresh air.
  24. Plants help to bring rain.
  25. We cannot live without air.

There are numerous such saying which are true. We cannot quote them all here. Here are some exercises where you have to choose/ pick the right word .

Exarcise 1 :- Choose the right words from the brackets and fill in the blank spaces . The first one has been done for you;-

  1. Fish line in water. (in water/on land)
  2. Birds ______ in the sky.(swim/ fly)
  3. We see with our ______ . (eyes/ears)
  4. We smell with our ______ . (ears/nose)
  5. We hear with our ______ . (ears/eyes)
  6. We taste with our ______ . (tongue/lips)
  7. We need ______ and _____ to line. (air and water/milk and bread)
  8. _______ are good for our health. (fruits/chocolates)
  9. Sugar is ______ . (sweet/sour)
  10. Butter and cheese are made of _______ . (milk/water)
  11. Bread is made of _______ . (floor/flour)
  12. Apples are _______ . (red/blue)
  13. A dog is a faithful ______ . (animal/bird)
  14. Lion is a ________ animal. (domestic/wild)
  15. Ships sail on _____ . (water/land)
  16. A rainbow has ________ colours. (seven/ten)
  17. We must eat _______ food. (fresh/stale)
  18. We should not play with _______ . (fire/toys)

Exarcise 2 :- Here are some sentences with almost similar sounding words. Fill in the blanks with the right word .

  1. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a _____ of water. (pale/pail)
  2. Baa, Baa Black _______ . (ship/sheep) Have you any ______ . (wool/cool)
  3. My grandmother told me a _______ . (tail/tale)
  4. The monkey has a long ______. (tail/tale)
  5. The hen lays _______. (eggs/legs)
  6. Birds lay eggs in ______. (nests/vests)
  7. Ship _____ in water. (sail/rail)
  8. A lion lines in a _____. (den/pen)
  9. Goat’s baby is called a ______ . (kid/lid)
  10. _______ gives us wool. (Ship/Sheep)
  11. Mother cooks foods in a _______. (pen/pan)
  12. Birds have ______ (rings/wings)
  13. He plays in a _______ . (band/hand)
  14. We ______with our hands. (clap/tap)
  15. We ______ with our feet. (clap/tap)