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During the articulation of this vowel, the front of the tongue is raised in the direction of the hard palate to a position between the half-close and half-open positions. The lips are neutral. Thus it is a front unrounded vowel between the half-close and half-open positions. It is a short vowel. It is represented in spelling by e, ea, a, u, ie, ai, ay, as in red, head, any, bury, friend, leisure, said, says. this vowel sound occurs initially and medially as in end, bell etc. It does not occur finally. Some more examples:
a – any, many, ferry, merry, Jerry
ai – said, again
ay – says
e – end, send, let, get, betbed, mess, egg, kettle
ea – dead, head, read, spread, health, leant, jealous, pleasant
ei – leisure
eo – leopard, Geoffrey
ie – friend,
u – bury
ue – guess, guest

During the articulation of this sound, the front part of the tongue is raised in the direction of the hard palate to a position between the close and half-close positions. The lips are loosely spread. It is thus a centralised front unrounded vowel between close and half-close positions. It is represented in spelling by i, e, y, a, u, ee, ey, ia, ai, ui, and ei as in hit, begin, pity, baggage, ladies, busy, coffee, money, carriage, bargain, build and foreign respectively. This sound can occur initially as in it, medially as in fit, and finally in a word as in city. It is a short vowel. Some more examples:
a – village, private, baggage, surface
ai – bargain, captain, mountain
ay – Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
e – pretty, ticket, system, harmless, horses, extempore, apostrophe
ee – coffee, toffee
ei – foreign, sovereign
ey – monkey, money, honey
i – it, hill, fifth, lift
ia – carriage, marriage
ie – cities, ladies, lobbies, dailies
o – women
u – minute (n), busy
ui – build, guilt
y – city, easy, hilly, symbol, rhythm