Our Helpers

Our life is made easy and comfortable by a number of people in the society. Lets us know more about these community helpers/workers.

  • A doctor treats the sick and injured.
  • A nurse helps the doctor and cares for or nurses the sick.
  • A teacher teaches the students.
  • A tailor stitches our clothes.
  • A barber cuts our hair.
  • A washer man washes our clothes.
  • A postman brings our letters.
  • A farmer grows grain, vegetables and all seeds.
  • A driver drives a bus, truck, a car, a train etc.
  • A policeman catches thieves/robbers.
  • A watchman gaurds our homes and offices.
  • A cobbler mends/repairs our shoes.
  • A greengrocer provides/sells fruits and vegetables.
  • A porter carries our luggage at railway stations, airports and bus stops.
  • A sweeper keeps our surroundings clean.
  • A soldier defends us from the enemies.
  • A baker bakes bread, biscuits and cake.
  • A potter makes pots of clay.
  • A waiter waits at the tables in a hotel.
  • A milkman brings us milk.
  • A carpenter makes our furniture.
  • A fireman puts out the fire.
  • A mason builds our houses.
  • A plumber repairs our water pipes.

Exercise 1 :- Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

  1. The ______ cuts our hair.
  2. The ______ cleans our surroundings.
  3. The ______ carries our luggage.
  4. The ______ treats the sick.
  5. The ______ sells fruits and vegetables.
  6. The ______ brings us our letters.

Exercise 2 :- Match the following:

  1. Tailor                                 1. Furniture
  2. Cobbler                              2. Houses
  3. Teacher                              3. Clothes
  4. Driver                                 4. Shoes
  5. Mason                                5. Students
  6. Carpenter                           6. Bus


Ours is a colourful world. Numerous colours are spread around us. It is Impossible for us to imagine a world devoid of colour. Let us identify some of the colours.

  • The sky is spread over us. What is the colour of the sky?
  • The sky is blue
  • There are many plants and trees around us. They give us oxygen. Have you noticed the colour of leaves?
  • A leaf is usually green.
  • It is pleasant and cool to walk on soft green grass.
  • We eat different fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetable are good for our health. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Do you eat apples? What colour are they?
  • An apple is red. We also find green apples.
  • Do you know that a tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable. It has many seeds. What is its colour?
  • A tomato is red.
  • Potatoes, carrots and radish grow underground. Do you know their colour?
  • A potato is brown.
  • A carrot is red or orange.
  • A radish is white.
  • Have you noticed the colour of a brinjal, a capsicum, a mango and a banana.
  • A brinjal is purple.
  • A capsicum is green, red or yellow.
  • A mango and banana both green and yellow.
  • There are many birds and animals on this earth. They too are of different colours.
  • A crow is black.
  • A parrot is green with a red beak.
  • A pigeon is grey.
  • A dove is white.
  • A elephant is grey.
  • A zebra is black and white.
  • Hens and Ducks lay eggs. Do you eat eggs? What is the colour of an egg?
  • An egg is usually white.
  • Milk is known as a complete food. What is its colour?
  • Milk is also white.
  • Children love chocolate. What is the colour of a chocolate?
  • A chocolate is brown.
  • The sun gives us energy and light. What is the colour of the sun? Do you know the colour of the sun changes as the day advances. Notice the change.
  • The sun is yellow.
  • Many flowers blossom around us. Notice their colours.
  • A lotus is pink.
  • A rose is red or pink or orange or yellow.
  • A sunflower is yellow.
  • Have you seen a rainbow? A rainbow can be seen the sky, sometimes after rains. It has seven colours in it.
  1. Red
  2. Yellow
  3. Orange
  4. Green
  5. Blue
  6. Indigo
  7. Violet

Exercise 1 :- Look around you and identify objects of different colours.

Exercise 2 :- Draw different shapes – a circle, a semi-circle, an oval, a square, a rectangle, a triangle, a cylinder and colour them with different colours.

Exercise 3 :- Fill in the blanks and complete this colour puzzle with the answers.

Down :-

  1. The grass is _______ .
  2. The lotus is _______ .      4.The sky is _______ .

Across :-3.The clouds are _______ .

5.A  crow is _______ .   6.The sun is _______ .
