Our Helpers

Our life is made easy and comfortable by a number of people in the society. Lets us know more about these community helpers/workers.

  • A doctor treats the sick and injured.
  • A nurse helps the doctor and cares for or nurses the sick.
  • A teacher teaches the students.
  • A tailor stitches our clothes.
  • A barber cuts our hair.
  • A washer man washes our clothes.
  • A postman brings our letters.
  • A farmer grows grain, vegetables and all seeds.
  • A driver drives a bus, truck, a car, a train etc.
  • A policeman catches thieves/robbers.
  • A watchman gaurds our homes and offices.
  • A cobbler mends/repairs our shoes.
  • A greengrocer provides/sells fruits and vegetables.
  • A porter carries our luggage at railway stations, airports and bus stops.
  • A sweeper keeps our surroundings clean.
  • A soldier defends us from the enemies.
  • A baker bakes bread, biscuits and cake.
  • A potter makes pots of clay.
  • A waiter waits at the tables in a hotel.
  • A milkman brings us milk.
  • A carpenter makes our furniture.
  • A fireman puts out the fire.
  • A mason builds our houses.
  • A plumber repairs our water pipes.

Exercise 1 :- Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

  1. The ______ cuts our hair.
  2. The ______ cleans our surroundings.
  3. The ______ carries our luggage.
  4. The ______ treats the sick.
  5. The ______ sells fruits and vegetables.
  6. The ______ brings us our letters.

Exercise 2 :- Match the following:

  1. Tailor                                 1. Furniture
  2. Cobbler                              2. Houses
  3. Teacher                              3. Clothes
  4. Driver                                 4. Shoes
  5. Mason                                5. Students
  6. Carpenter                           6. Bus

English Alphabetical Order

Alphabetical Order

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z are the 26 letter of the English alphabet. We use these letter to form words. The A B C D order is also called the alphabetical order of English. In a dictionary or an encyclopedia words are arranged in this order. It helps to locate the meaning easily. In a telephone directory or an attendence register also names of people are given in this order.

Exercise 1 – Write 5 words each beginning with the alphabets given below:


Exercise 2 – Arrange these names in alphabetical order:

Anita, Rita, Bill, Sam, Mary, Johiv, Kate, Charies, Liz, Harry, Tom.

Exercise 3 – Write the names of these birds in alphabetical order:

Crow Cuckoo Cock Crane

Pengeein Parrot Peacock Pigeon

Exercise 4 – Make any ten words using the letter of the word: