The Sentence

The Sentence


  • Look at these groups of words:
  1. Mary has
  2. Mary has a little
  3. Mary has a little lamb.
  • The first two groups of words do not have complete meaning.
  • The third group has a complete meaning.
  • The third group of words is a Sentence.
  • A Sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense i.e. it has a complete meaning.
  • We always begin a Sentence with a capital letter and put a full stop (.) at the end of a Sentence.
  • We always write the word ‘I’ as a capital letter.


  • Let us look at some more groups of words:
  1. A bird
  2. on the tree
  3. A bird is sitting on the tree.


  1. Cats and milk
  2. Cats love
  3. Cats love milk.


  1. Birds and wings
  2. Birds fly with
  3. Birds fly with their wings.


  1. The girls
  2. The girls are
  3. The girls are playing.


  • The first two groups of words in each group are incomplete.
  • The third group of words has complete meaning.
  • They all are Sentences.


  • It is also important that the words in a sentence are in their proper order. Look at the following groups of words:
  1. Toys balls are
  2. Clothes the dry are
  3. Plays she the violin
  4. Black is crow the


  • We cannot call these groups of words, Sentences, because they are not in their proper order. Their meaning is not clear. Let us put them in their proper order:
  1. Balls are toys.
  2. The clothes are dry.
  3. She plays the violin.
  4. The crow is black.


  • Now, these groups of words make sense. They are meaningful and can be called sentences.

Animal Sounds Or Cries of Animals / Birds

Animals / Birds Sounds

Cats                                                                                        Meow / Purr

Cows                                                                                      Moo / Low

Dogs                                                                                       Bark (Woof woof bow wow)

Donkey                                                                                   Bray (Hee-Haw)

Monkey                                                                                  Whoop / Chatter

Camel                                                                                     Grump

Lion                                                                                        Roar

Pigs                                                                                         Grunt (Oink)

Goats                                                                                      Bleat (Naa)

Sheep                                                                                      Bleat (Baa)

Horses                                                                                     Neigh

Snakes                                                                                     Hiss (Sss)

Beer                                                                                         Buzz / Hum

Birds                                                                                        Chirp / Peep / Twitter

Crows                                                                                      Caw / Kaak

Cock                                                                                        Crow (Cock-a-doodle-doo)

Hen                                                                                          Cluck cluck

Goose                                                                                       Cackle

Duck                                                                                        Quack quack

Pigeons                                                                                    Coo

Owls                                                                                        Hoot

Frogs                                                                                        Croak

Mouse                                                                                      Squeaks

Elephant                                                                                   Trumpet

Cuckoo                                                                                     Cuckoos

Exercise 1 :- What sounds do the following animals make :

  1. Cats [          ]
  2. Cows [           ]
  3. Donkeys [            ]
  4. Horses [             ]
  5. Sheep [             ]

Exercise 2 : – Match the animals with their sounds :

Animals Sounds

  1. Ducks                                                                               1. Caws
  2. Dogs                                                                                 2. Buzz
  3. Camels                                                                             3. Roars
  4. Lion                                                                                  4. Bark
  5. Beer                                                                                  5. Quack
  6. Crow                                                                                6. Grump