
Conjunctions: Joining Words

  • Read the following sentences:

1.  Jack and Jill went up the hill.

2.  Bill is a clever but lazy boy.

3.  Work hard or you will fail.

4.  They are poor yet happy.

5.  I like John because he is intelligent.

6.  I will not go to see the film if you do not come.

In the above sentences the words and, but, or, yet, because and if join words or sentences together. Such words that join words or sentences together are called Conjunctions.

  • Some common Conjunctions:

And, but, or, nor, therefore, because, if, both, only, that, after, before, unless, as, else, till, until, whether, though, although, than, yet, etc.

English Alphabetical Order

Alphabetical Order

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z are the 26 letter of the English alphabet. We use these letter to form words. The A B C D order is also called the alphabetical order of English. In a dictionary or an encyclopedia words are arranged in this order. It helps to locate the meaning easily. In a telephone directory or an attendence register also names of people are given in this order.

Exercise 1 – Write 5 words each beginning with the alphabets given below:


Exercise 2 – Arrange these names in alphabetical order:

Anita, Rita, Bill, Sam, Mary, Johiv, Kate, Charies, Liz, Harry, Tom.

Exercise 3 – Write the names of these birds in alphabetical order:

Crow Cuckoo Cock Crane

Pengeein Parrot Peacock Pigeon

Exercise 4 – Make any ten words using the letter of the word: