Animal Sounds Or Cries of Animals / Birds

Animals / Birds Sounds

Cats                                                                                        Meow / Purr

Cows                                                                                      Moo / Low

Dogs                                                                                       Bark (Woof woof bow wow)

Donkey                                                                                   Bray (Hee-Haw)

Monkey                                                                                  Whoop / Chatter

Camel                                                                                     Grump

Lion                                                                                        Roar

Pigs                                                                                         Grunt (Oink)

Goats                                                                                      Bleat (Naa)

Sheep                                                                                      Bleat (Baa)

Horses                                                                                     Neigh

Snakes                                                                                     Hiss (Sss)

Beer                                                                                         Buzz / Hum

Birds                                                                                        Chirp / Peep / Twitter

Crows                                                                                      Caw / Kaak

Cock                                                                                        Crow (Cock-a-doodle-doo)

Hen                                                                                          Cluck cluck

Goose                                                                                       Cackle

Duck                                                                                        Quack quack

Pigeons                                                                                    Coo

Owls                                                                                        Hoot

Frogs                                                                                        Croak

Mouse                                                                                      Squeaks

Elephant                                                                                   Trumpet

Cuckoo                                                                                     Cuckoos

Exercise 1 :- What sounds do the following animals make :

  1. Cats [          ]
  2. Cows [           ]
  3. Donkeys [            ]
  4. Horses [             ]
  5. Sheep [             ]

Exercise 2 : – Match the animals with their sounds :

Animals Sounds

  1. Ducks                                                                               1. Caws
  2. Dogs                                                                                 2. Buzz
  3. Camels                                                                             3. Roars
  4. Lion                                                                                  4. Bark
  5. Beer                                                                                  5. Quack
  6. Crow                                                                                6. Grump

7 thoughts on “Animal Sounds Or Cries of Animals / Birds”

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