Advanced English

If you have Basic English Skills then you can go in for Advanced Courses in English. Just identify the area in which you wish to specialize and take an advanced course to hone your skills in that particular field. There are jobs aplenty which require excellent English Skills. Besides the regular teaching jobs, there are jobs in radio, television and print media, banking and IT sector, BPO and KPO industry, aviation and hospitality industry, fast food chains, travel and tourism related organizations, marketing, sales and client servicing units etc.

Advanced Courses in Spoken English, Written English, Business English, and Technical English etc. can help you acquire the requisite skill and increase your chances of success in life.

4 thoughts on “Advanced English”

  1. If you have Basic English Skills then you can go in for Advanced Courses in English. Just identify the area in which you wish to specialize and take an advanced course to hone your skills in that particular f

  2. just speaking in english dos nt creat impression over the other person . expression while speaking, clear words, good pronounciation, clear understaning, must be there

  3. i want to improve writing good English and very much interested to learn the skills of Book Reviews movie reviews etc. How can i get such lessons? I want your help.

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