Correct or Incorrect?

Which of the following sentences is incorrect?

1. I know how to ride.

2. He made a speech.

3. He denied to repay the loan.

4. I have received no information.

5. The sceneries of  Ghats are charming.

6. John asked if he could go home.

7. They have sold all their furnitures.

8. Mary had to leave her rights.

9. She asked had we taken our food.

10. I always keep the stamps in this box.




Check answers: The incorrect sentences are- No. 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9.

Correct Sentences:

3. He refused to repay the loan.

5. The scenery of the Ghats is charming.

7. They have sold all their furniture.

8. Mary had to abandon (or relinquish) her right.

9. She asked if/whether we had taken our food.

Choose the mis-spelt word

1. a. bugle      b. buffet      c. bundle       d. bullitin


2. a. cassock        b. caskit        c. casserole        d. cassette


3. a. effluent          b. effulgent      c. efeminate        d. efficacious


4. a. franchisee        b. freternize         c. fractious      d. fragile


5. a. menagerie         b. memorabilia        c. melancholia      d. mercuriel




Check answers: 1.(d); 2.(b); 3.(c); 4.(b); 5.(d)

Multiple-Choice Questions – Synonyms-Antonyms

1. Which of the following is not a synonym of the word ‘abandon‘:

a. renounce

b. disclaim

c. desert

d. keep


2. Which of the following is a synonym of the word ‘abbreviate‘:

a. lengthen

b. truncate

c. expand

d. elongate


3. Which of the following is not a synonym of the word ‘abrupt‘:

a. swift

b. curt

c. gradual

d. sudden


4. Which of the following is not a synonym of the word ‘abstemious‘:

a. strict

b. spartan

c. intemperate

d. austere


5. Which of the following is a synonym of ‘adore‘:

a. hate

b. revere

c. loathe

d. detest



Check Answers: 1.(d); 2.(b); 3.(c); 4.(c); 5.(b)













Multiple-choice Questions – Direct and Indirect Speech

Choose the correct indirect narration of the following sentences:

1.       Atul said to Rohan, “I may go to the science museum tomorrow.”


  1. Atul told Rohan that I may go to the science museum tomorrow.
  2. Atul said to Rohan that he will be going to the science museum the next day.
  3. Atul informed Rohan that he intends to go to the science museum the next day.
  4. Atul told Rohan that he might go to the science museum the next day.

2.       The Principal said to the teacher, “The school buses have arrived late today.”


  1. The Principal told the teacher that the school buses have arrived late today.
  2. The Principal told the teacher that the school buses had arrived late that day.
  3. The Principal said to the teacher that the school buses had arrived late to school on the day.
  4. The Principal told the teacher that the buses arrived late to school that day.

3.       Tina said to Vicky, “Where do you live?”


  1. Tina interrogated Vicky and asked him where he lives.
  2. Tina asked to Vicky where do you live.
  3. Tina asked Vicky where he lived.
  4. Tina asked Vicky where he is living.

4.       She said to Sid, “Please carry my packet.”


  1. She asked Sid to carry her packet.
  2. She requested Sid to carry her packet.
  3. She told Sid to please carry her packet.
  4.  She ordered Sid to carry her packet.

5.       Sam said to the teacher, “I have collected the diaries of all the students.”


  1. Sam told the teacher that he has collected the diaries of all the students.
  2. Sam told the teacher that he is collecting the diaries of all the students.
  3. Sam said to the teacher that he collected all the diaries of the students.
  4. Sam informed the teacher that he had collected the diaries of all the students.




Check Answers: 1.( 4); 2.(2); 3.(3); 4.(2); 5.(4)

One Word for Many


  1. Animals which live on meat – Carnivorous
  2. Animals which live on fruits – Frugivorous
  3. Animals which live on grass – Graminivorous
  4. Animals which live on plants/grass – Herbivorous
  5. Animals which live on human flesh – Cannibals
  6. Animals which live in flocks – Gregarious animals
  7. Animals which live in water – Aquatic animals
  8. Animals which live both on land and in water – Amphibious animals
  9. Animals which suck their mother’s breast – Mammals
  10. Animals with four legs – Quadruped
  11. Animals with two legs – Biped
  12. The act of talking impiously about sacred things – Blasphemy
  13. The act of speaking aloud one’s thoughts when alone – Soliloquy
  14. Anything that counteracts putrefaction – Antiseptic
  15. The act of literary borrowing without acknowledgement – Plagiarism
  16. Two brothers born at one and the same time – Twins
  17. A bird that comes and goes with the seasons – A Migratory bird
  18. A book published after the death of the author – A posthumous book
  19. A battle which puts an end to all controversy – A decisive battle
  20. A battle which is attended with much bloodshed – A sanguinary battle
  21. A biography of a man written by himself – Auto-biography
  22. Beyond the power of nature – Supernatural
  23. Cessation of arms before a formal treaty is signed – Armistice
  24. A cinema show in the afternoon – Matinee
  25. A collection of poems – Anthology
  26. A child born after the death of its father – A posthumous child
  27. Disease peculiar to a country – Endemic
  28. Destitute of knowledge – Ignorant
  29. Habit of excessive eating – Gluttony
  30. Incapable of being read – Illegible 
  31. Incapable of being understood – Unintelligible, Incomprehensible
  32. Incapable of being blamed – Irreprehensible
  33. Incapable of being heard – Inaudible
  34. Incapable of being conquered – Invincible
  35. Incapable of being seized – Impregnable
  36.  Incapable of being passed over or surmounted – Insurmountable, Insuperable
  37.  Incapable of being seen – Invisible
  38.  Incapable of being wounded – Invulnerable
  39.  Incapable of being exhausted or tired – Indefatigable
  40.  Incapable of being reached or approached – Inaccessible

Compound Sentence – Coordinating Conjunctions

A Compound Sentence is made up of two or more independent clauses. The clauses of a Compound Sentence can be  connected by means of the following Coordinating Conjunctions-

  • Cumulative or Copulative Conjunctions
  1. And – Work hard and you will succeed.
  2. As well as – The cuckoo as well as the nightingale is a singing bird. (Note: Such a sentence is sometimes regarded as a complex sentence also. But it need not be so taken. The sentence, ‘He can write as well as you.’ is definitely a complex sentence, where ‘as well as you can (write) is an adverb clause of comparison.
  3. Both…and – He was both beaten and kicked. (i.e. was kicked)
  4. No less than – You no less than your brother are a rogue.
  5. Not only…but also – He was not only arrested but also hand-cuffed.
  • Adversative Conjunction 
  1. But – He is thin but (he is) healthy.
  2. However – He has broken the rules of discipline; however let him go this time.
  3. Nevertheless – Everything went against his plans nevertheless he stuck to his resolve.
  4. Only – You are free to go wherever you like; only see that you do not endanger yourself.
  5. Still/Yet – He is very poor; still (or yet) he is not dishonest.
  6. Whereas – You say one thing, whereas your brother says something else.
  7. While – His wife spends freely while he is a miser.
  • Illative Conjunctions
  1. For – I cannot die in peace for I am a sinner.
  2. So/So then/then – Truth prevails in the end so (or so then or then) let us be always truthful.
  3. Therefore – It is getting late; let us start therefore.

Analysis of Sentences

Analysis of Sentences

By ‘Analysis of Sentences’ is meant the breaking up of a sentence into its component parts and bringing out the relation which the different parts bear to one another.

Sentences are of three kinds:

  1. Simple
  2. Compound
  3. Complex

1.Simple Sentences- A Simple Sentence is one which contains only one finite verb, expressed or understood: e.g. The train arrives.

2. Compound Sentence- A Compound Sentence is one which is made up of two or more co-ordinate (i.e. independent clauses merely connected by co-ordinating conjunctions), e.g. The Director dissolved the meeting and the members dispersed.

The cuckoo as well as the nightingale is a singing bird.

3. Complex Sentence- A Complex Sentence is one which consists of one principal clause and one or more subordinate clauses. Subordinate clauses are of three kinds: The Noun clause, the Adjective clause and the Adverb clause.

That honesty is the best policy is acknowledged by all. (Noun clause)

These are the boys who played the mischief. ( Adjective clause)

Strike the iron while it is hot. (Adverb clause)

Communicate in English

Communicate in English – Ask questions/Answer them

Personal Introduction

What is your name?

My name is Susan.


How old are you?

I am eleven years old.

In which class do you study?

I study in Class six.

What is the name of your School?

The name of my school is Aim Academy.


What is the name of your class teacher?

The name of my class teacher is Mrs. Mary Bell.

What is the name of your school Principal?

The name of my school Principal is Mr. Henry James.

What is your father’s name?

My father’s name is William.

What is your father?

My father is a doctor. (an engineer, a banker, a teacher, a businessman, a lawyer, a police officer, a film producer/director etc.)

What is your mother’s name?

My mother’s name is Emma.

What is your mother?

My mother is a homemaker. (a housewife, a teacher, a journalist, a television anchor/news reader/actor etc.)


How many brothers and sisters do you have?

I have an elder brother and a younger sister. (I don’t have any brother or sister. /I have no brother or sister.)

Do you love your family?

Yes, I love my family very much.

Whom do you admire more- your father or your mother?

I admire both of them equally. My father cares for the sick whole heartedly. He works very hard to give us a good life. And my mother is a perfect homemaker. She looks after all our needs and works tirelessly to give us a warm and comfortable home.